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Monument Mining Ltd V.MMY

Alternate Symbol(s):  MMTMF

Monument Mining Limited is a Canadian gold producer that 100% owns and operates the Selinsing Gold Mine in Malaysia and the Murchison Gold Project in the Murchison area of Western Australia. It has a 20% interest in Tuckanarra Gold Project, jointly owned with Odyssey Gold Ltd in the same region. Located in the Central Gold Belt of Western Malaysia, the Selinsing Gold Mine covers a total area of approximately 150.3 square kilometers (km2) and includes the Selinsing, Buffalo Reef, Felda Land, Peranggih and Famehub properties. The Murchison Gold Project includes the Burnakura, Gabanintha, and Tuckanarra properties, which are located in the Murchison goldfield of Western Australia, 40 kilometers (km) southeast of Meekatharra and approximately 765km northeast of Perth. Buffalo Reef lies continuously and contiguously along the gold trend upon which the Selinsing Gold Property is located. Both Felda and Famehub are located east and north of the Selinsing and Buffalo Reef properties.

TSXV:MMY - Post by User

Post by greyowlon Nov 28, 2024 7:57pm
Post# 36336573

Profitable, Substantial Net Cash, Trading at 60% Book

Profitable, Substantial Net Cash, Trading at 60% BookEarnings per shar would have been closer to 2  cents a share instead of
1 cent if they recognized some of thier Canadian Tax Pools. Some of that
expense was not actually paid but rather shown as a deferred tax liability
(which can be re-assessed if profits contnue and tax pools are recognized).

All in all cash generation looks very good even with the reduced gold production
this quarter.If they can be keep it up they will be in the selct few who 
can show a Enterprise Value /  Free Cash Flow ratio of below 5 (which
is considered very good).

Keep an on on Malaysian currency vis a vis the fedbux which has been bouncing
around a bit leading to a negative $1.5M (non cash)  adjustemnt to profit this quarter.

Restricted Share Units are a double edged sword and should be everyones mind also
as the share price appreciates.. 

Hoping a continuing rising gold price which will allay all all other concerns.

GLTA and thanks for presenting your views.

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