Post by greyowlon Dec 01, 2024 9:36pm
Post# 36339997
Cash Flowing To Bottom Line
Cash Flowing To Bottom LineShould therefore be as follows:
All In Costs $1,115 + Smelting Costs $400 (approx) = $1,515 /oz US
Profit Before Tax @ $2,600US /oz is around $1,100 /oz US
Eventually the company will recognize thier tax pools so I am asuming that
given enough profitable quarters that this profit per ounce will eventually
find it's way to the cash account.
If they can do 40,000 oz/yr at the sulphide plant this should work out to
aroung $44MUS in tax clear profits a year at $2,600US gold or $63M CDN / year.
or about .20 cents CDN per share / year for a stock trading at .26 /share with
more than .10 cdn share in cash on the books.
Also, his does not include the cash generated by depreciating thier capital expenses
which are include in the All In Cost of $1,115 - at least a few million more to bottom line.
They also have a valuable mine on care and maintenance in Australia which looks
like it can be placed back in operation at minimal expense.
Hopefully it plays out the way I see it.
Please feel free to comment or correct.