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Monument Mining Ltd V.MMY

Alternate Symbol(s):  MMTMF

Monument Mining Limited is a Canadian gold producer that 100% owns and operates the Selinsing Gold Mine in Malaysia and the Murchison Gold Project in the Murchison area of Western Australia. It has a 20% interest in Tuckanarra Gold Project, jointly owned with Odyssey Gold Ltd in the same region. Located in the Central Gold Belt of Western Malaysia, the Selinsing Gold Mine covers a total area of approximately 150.3 square kilometers (km2) and includes the Selinsing, Buffalo Reef, Felda Land, Peranggih and Famehub properties. The Murchison Gold Project includes the Burnakura, Gabanintha, and Tuckanarra properties, which are located in the Murchison goldfield of Western Australia, 40 kilometers (km) southeast of Meekatharra and approximately 765km northeast of Perth. Buffalo Reef lies continuously and contiguously along the gold trend upon which the Selinsing Gold Property is located. Both Felda and Famehub are located east and north of the Selinsing and Buffalo Reef properties.

TSXV:MMY - Post by User

Comment by nozzpackon Dec 15, 2024 9:47am
Post# 36362974

RE:sb rates snowden

RE:sb rates snowden

Thank you C for those Sb content statistics .

The average is 0.11 % .

240,000 tons are milled each quarter which converts to 265 metrics tons of Sb per quarter.

Current Sb price is $35,000 US per metric ton which converts to about $9.3 million US = $12.5 million CAD in Sb by product per quarter .

So, on an annual basis at current Sb Prices, Monument will generate  about $50 million  CAD in additional revenue.

As there is no significant  mining or processing costs of contained by product , this is virtually 
all free cash flows to the balance sheet .

Very few Junior gold producers are capable of generating signifucant free cash flows which is why the multiple is above 10 times .

Lets just say just 5 times for MMY ......$250 million in additional market cap value which adds about $0.65/share .

This is quite remarkable .


1...Sb content is sustained 

Probably true as the higher grade BR fresh ore which contains highest Sb is just now entering mine 

2....Sb Prices remain high .....?? 

3..Monument uses its Tax loss pools to offset income taxes

Regardkess, we are going to do extremely well this quarter ( Q2 ending exit Dec ) as Sb prices have been very high , mining has returned to normal and recoveries are much higher , all of which along with
Sb contribution point towards a blow out quarter , with a substantial addition to our cash reserves .

This is a truly bipolar stock.

From gloom and doom 2 years ago to such  bright  skies that sunglasses are going to be needed.

My sincere apologies, Cathy..


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