Post by
fracpack on Jun 01, 2012 10:07am
anonomys say good morning
dumping again with a smile, 200,000 to start. must be nice trading from the cayman island in the sun knowing everything about the reality of the company.
Comment by
TeTsuo36 on Jun 01, 2012 10:28am
Mmm, short term trader with 64 ignores, tries to help the poor little sheeple fundamental longs to see the light. Bless you, i'm sure you only have my very best interests at heart. pmsl.
Comment by
fracpack on Jun 01, 2012 10:37am
teetoo, Open your dam eyes and look at whats going on here. So far ive been right, keep riding on your high horse with the other ignoramous. wheres your precious report and takeover? CALL THE COMPANY AND ASK WHO IS THE ANON SELLER EVERY DAY, THEY KNOW. then you dont have to listen to me, im sure they have a great great explantin.
Comment by
fracpack on Jun 01, 2012 10:39am
when will the idiots DEMAND answers. never i guess.