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Murchison Minerals Ltd V.MUR

Alternate Symbol(s):  MURMF

Murchison Minerals Ltd. is a Canadian exploration company. The Company is focused on the development of the 100%-owned Brabant-McKenzie VMS copper-zinc-silver-lead-gold deposit (the Deposit) located on the Brabant McKenzie project (BMK) in north-central Saskatchewan. Additionally, the Company also explores for nickel-copper-cobalt at the 100%-owned Haut-Plateau Manicouagan (HPM) project in Quebec. The Brabant Lake property is 100% owned by the Company is strategically located along Highway 102 approximately 175 kilometers (km) northeast of the town of La Ronge. The project’s entire 664 square kilometer land package is prospective for VMS deposits, as well as gold. The Company holds a 100% interest in certain claims forming the HPM property in Quebec. The HPM project’s entire 951 square kilometers land package is highly prospective to host nickel-copper-cobalt mineralization, particularly at Barre de Fer (BDF) and Syrah.

TSXV:MUR - Post by User

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  • Investmine60X
Post by Investmine60on May 24, 2023 4:28pm
Post# 35462544

Good News

Good News
We have news: Murchison Minerals is pleased to announce it has completed a detailed review of data collected during the 2022 exploration program on the 100%-owned HPM (Haut-Plateau de la Manicouagan) Project, located in Qubec. The review culminated in the identification of the BDF Magmatic Ni-Cu-Co Trend (BDF Trend). 
The BDF Trend extends along a 5 km strike length to the northwest of the Barre de Fer Deposit (BDF Deposit) and contains numerous showings of nickel-bearing sulphide mineralization, and 7 high-priority target areas.
Additionally, Dr. Peter Lightfoot - Technical Advisor for Murchison Minerals - has reviewed whole rock geochemistry from samples taken during the 2022 exploration program and has identified the geochemical signature of the intrusive rocks that host high-grade Ni-Cu-Co mineralization at the BDF Deposit. Based on his findings, the Company has identified a significant number of high-priority targets that have a similar signature to BDF. Furthermore, the identification of the intrusive host rock has led the Company to stake an additional 313.7 km² of mineral tenements. The newly expanded claim block covers a large area of prospective mafic-ultramafic rocks identified to the east of the previous HPM claim area.
• All 7 identified high priority targets correspond with nickel sulphide mineralization identified on surface 
(See Figure 1 from release linked below)
• Detailed interpretation of whole rock geochemistry has identified the key host rocks (norite & peridotite) and expanded the prospectivity of discovering new zones of nickel-bearing sulphide mineralization beyond the BDF Trend
• Company has expanded the HPM claim block to cover an additional 313.7 km² of prospective geology. The HPM Project area now totals 971.8 km² 
Murchison Minerals President and CEO Troy Boisjoli comments:
“HPM is an exceptional project anchored by access to mature infrastructure, including heavy rail with direct access to ports, road access and hydroelectricity all proximal to the project. High-grade near surface nickel-copper-cobalt mineralization remains completely unconstrained and open at BDF which is located at the start of a 5 km trend containing multiple analogous targets. The growth potential at BDF coupled with the discovery potential along the trend has Murchison positioned to define the next North American nickel district”. #nickel #murchisonminerals #BDF
Full release:
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