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North Arrow Minerals Inc V.NAR

Alternate Symbol(s):  NHAWF

North Arrow Minerals Inc. is a Canada-based exploration company focused on the evaluation of the Kraaipan Gold Project in Botswana. The Kraaipan Gold Project comprises three mineral concessions covering approximately 1,266 square kilometers (km2) covering the entire 60 km northern extension of the Kraaipan Greenstone Belt (KGB) in Botswana. The KGB is a highly prospective Archean greenstone belt that straddles the Botswana - South Africa border, with proven mineral endowment including Harmony Gold's Kalgold gold mine in South Africa, approximately 40 km south of the Project. The Company also maintains its diamond interests in the Naujaat (NU), Pikoo (SK), and Loki (NWT) Projects. The Naujaat Diamond Project is located in proximity to the community of Naujaat, Nunavut and covers over 12,705 hectares of contiguous mineral leases and claims. Its Pikoo Project is located in east central Saskatchewan and covers approximately 39,753 hectares.

TSXV:NAR - Post by User

Post by Nahannion Sep 27, 2024 4:37pm
Post# 36244700


HoldingI have held this for too long. Any confidence going forward?
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