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Neptune Digital Assets Corp V.NDA

Alternate Symbol(s):  NPPTF

Neptune Digital Assets Corp. is a Canada-based blockchain company, engaged in the business that builds, owns, and operates digital currency infrastructure assets. It provides cryptocurrency and blockchain infrastructure with operations across the digital asset ecosystem, including Bitcoin mining, proof-of-stake mining, blockchain nodes, decentralized finance (DeFi), and other associated blockchain technologies. Green Bitcoin mining is focused on using renewable energy, such as solar, hydro, and wind to power its Bitcoin mining operations. Staking Cryptocurrency is the process of validating transactions, and involves running software nodes or validators, responsible for storing data, processing transactions, and adding new blocks to the blockchain. DeFi removes central controllers and brokers, which facilitates faster and cheaper transactions with no minimum transaction amounts, no paperwork, full transparency, and auditability. Neptune Digital USA Corp is a subsidiary of the Company.

TSXV:NDA - Post by User

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  • CriticalMind55X
Post by CriticalMind55on Nov 15, 2023 2:39pm
Post# 35737516

A good day to DCA on NDA before real take off!

A good day to DCA on NDA before real take off!They mine BTC and hold many other cryptocurrencies with great potential without the crypto wallet headache that one would have owning them on their own.

They also have a good and well-qualified staff.  Let's see over $1 soon, at this price one can easily buy 10,000 to 50,000 shares and use them as an ATM machine when BTC is 500,000 at retirement such as selling just a few shares to pay for weekend expenses etc.
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