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Neptune Digital Assets Corp V.NDA

Alternate Symbol(s):  NPPTF

Neptune Digital Assets Corp. is a Canada-based blockchain company, engaged in the business that builds, owns, and operates digital currency infrastructure assets. It provides cryptocurrency and blockchain infrastructure with operations across the digital asset ecosystem, including Bitcoin mining, proof-of-stake mining, blockchain nodes, decentralized finance (DeFi), and other associated blockchain technologies. Green Bitcoin mining is focused on using renewable energy, such as solar, hydro, and wind to power its Bitcoin mining operations. Staking Cryptocurrency is the process of validating transactions, and involves running software nodes or validators, responsible for storing data, processing transactions, and adding new blocks to the blockchain. DeFi removes central controllers and brokers, which facilitates faster and cheaper transactions with no minimum transaction amounts, no paperwork, full transparency, and auditability. Neptune Digital USA Corp is a subsidiary of the Company.

TSXV:NDA - Post by User

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  • carterZ21X
Comment by carterZ21on Oct 29, 2024 8:03pm
Post# 36287854

RE:Let's talk about today's action for NDA

RE:Let's talk about today's action for NDA

Hi CM,

I'm with you on the profit taking point of view. After having the share price essentially triple in value over three trading days not surprised to see some profit taking....can't blame those who were in at around $0.25 and holding for awhile. I agree that the sudden sharp move on heavy volume is indicative of somebody knowing something and wanting to establish a sizeable position in short order. The company update was positive however I believe there is something else in the mix for it to move so aggressively. I see us back over $1.00 in short order and I'm holding tight looking forward to seeing this story play out, especially when seeing bitcoins/alt coins starting to move up. If for some unexpected reason NDA continues to move lower I will add. 

My two cents!



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