Post by
bdog123 on Nov 02, 2022 1:38am
So folks, we did crack and hold over $ 5.00 yesterday.
We still have to play along with the FED interest game which plays into USD strength. Until that dynamic changes, the gold sector is held in check. It's hard to make money in the environment, but we know NFG has the goods. It's either buy and hold and wait it out, or wait till the sector changes and find greener pastures, if you like trading.
Of course, we are waiting for the company to put their cards on the table. They have a lot of things to do. It's not just about core results. There is much more going on the background, I am sue, that we know nothing about.
Comment by
Global1966 on Nov 02, 2022 3:12am
I imagine the Geo's at NFG know exactly what the 50,000 metres + of assays have in them as the results from Chrysos would already be in. Imagine knowing those results. What I don't understand is why no Chrysos results have been released confirming the standard assay results.
Comment by
Daisiedee on Nov 02, 2022 3:40am
Imagine knowing theres a lot less gold in them than what the market is hoping for. Bit of a problem. Daisie
Comment by
bdog123 on Nov 02, 2022 9:04am
Global, I wonder the same thing, but I think it has to do with vetting the system, still, and waiting for the announcement that Chrysos has been excepted. Once they state that commitment in full in writing, then I think we will see those results published and away we go. bdog