Post by Goldy63on Mar 22, 2022 4:08pm

Post# 34535664
Trolls Bury Info . Read On .
Trolls Bury Info . Read On . Food For Thought . Bring On 2022, 3 More Rev Streams To fatten the already Strong Bottom Line when news hits . QCCU ( 5 mil shares at 27 Cents ) Mis ( 24,7 Mil shares at 6.5 Cents) and AE 5mil shares at 11.5 Cents . Add 60 mil JV with Agnico and yup ORX can be a huge power house this year . Read on . Orefinders has a strong balance sheet with $6 million in cash and a total of $8.5 million in working capital, including its +5 million shares in QC Copper & Gold (QCCU:TSXV) , 24.7 million shares in Mistango River Resources (MIS:CSE), 5 million shares in American Eagle Gold (AE:TSXV). Orefinders also benefits from its $60 million joint venture with Agnico Eagle, which sees AEM fund Orefinders exploration activities while preserving its treasury. Orefinders also notes that Agnico's budget for 2022 is increasing by 50% from 2021. (Quote) . And now we have McGarry with assays already in the lab and more coming so a ton of assays are coming and the beauty is at a much faster rate and lately that's been a problem with slow returns from labs. So yes a ton of news and assays coming and don't forget ORX has the benefits of FOUR Plays as posted above . McGarry assays on the way and all summer long. Read on . McGarry Drilling is Ongoing Ore finders began drilling on its McGarry Project on February 9 and has thus far completed 2,391 metres of a planned 4,000 metre drill program. Additionally, Orefinders has submitted 1240 samples to the lab for assay. The Company notes that it has engaged a new assay lab for the McGarry Project and has been advised to expect results within a much faster turnaround rate.(Quote) Hell yes long ORX. Cheers.