I am here for years in the forum but since yesterday are just not only bulls here but probably also
proffesionelle shorters What happened yesterday ? There was a PP which was simply logical, which every long-term investor knew. Everyone also knew that this PP would be around 1 dollar to 1.20 which is much higher than the last two PP.
During the negotiations, which always take a little longer, the Oroco price suddenly rose strongly, actually already a little too strongly to over 2 dollars.
Of course, the shorties also noticed this - they are not stupid and went short e.g. on 4.12. ( looks up )
Their calculation was that after the PP the price would fall again in the direction of approx. 1.30 - 1.50 CAD.
but they have not done the math with the loyal and smart already invested Oroco shareholders. These have rightly kept their nerves, see that a lot of cash comes in, that they can be paid for drilling and that this PP brings more positive, because the smart Oroco shareholders like to take another 1 or 2 years to get to the big one.
And now actually every Oroco shareholder knows what a sudden basher / shorter wants here ...
He wants to secure his investment and unsettle people.
Who can now be unsettled because of a new user who knows everything better :-) (self-statements) although one is already here for longer and knows the story, it will bitterly regret.
Grills the Shorties
and buy sooner and take advantage of the opportunity :-)