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Progressive Planet Solutions, Stephen Harpur (CEO)
Company and product snapshot: Progressive Planet Solutions is a cleantech and manufacturing company based in Kamloops, British Columbia, with expertise lying in developing low-carbon and carbon sequestering solutions using mineral assets and recycled materials to create planet-friendly products. Globally, cement production accounts for 8% of CO2 emissions. Progressive Planet Solutions’ PozGlass™ 100G supplementary cementing material replaces up to 50% of Portland cement, dramatically reducing its carbon footprint without compromising performance – PozGlass has also proven to be 4-13% stronger. PozGlass uses glass diverted from landfills, decreasing the use of Portland cement and fly ash, which off gas high quantities of CO2 during production. An output of its patent-pending process is limestone, permanently sequestering CO2 from cement kiln stack gasses. Cement kilns are the third largest global producer of greenhouse gas emissions. PozGlass will eventually replace Portland cement on an equivalent, one-for-one weight basis, at one-third of the production footprint. Currently at TRL level 5, PozGlass is anticipated to be market ready in 2028. Progressive Planet Solutions has a 10-year agreement for one of the largest cement companies in the world to test PozGlass in amounts of up to 3,500 tonnes per year as soon as the pilot plant is built and commissioned to produce these quantities.
Who should buy it: Construction companies, concrete and cement manufacturers, and infrastructure developers. PozGlass replaces ready-mix or precast concrete.
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