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Progressive Planet Solutions Inc V.PLAN

Alternate Symbol(s):  ASHXF

Progressive Planet Solutions Inc. is a Canada-based manufacturing company. The Company is focused on developing critical low-carbon and carbon sequestering solutions using its owned mineral assets and recycled materials to create planet-friendly products, which are being developed at its C-Quester Centre of Sustainable Solutions for the cement, agricultural and animal care industries. The Company’s product lines include patented and patent pending products which are developed using naturally occurring minerals and the urban mining of recycled materials. Its products are available in over 10,000 retail stores across North America. It focuses on reducing the carbon footprint of the global cement industry by developing sustainable alternatives to traditional cement. Its mineral based products include Activated Barn Fresh, Can Blast Abrasives, CAN DRY, Fresh Coop Odour Control and Red Lake Earth, among others. Its operating mines include Red Lake Mine and Bud Bentonite Clay Mine.

TSXV:PLAN - Post by User

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  • 15StanmoreX
Post by 15Stanmoreon Dec 09, 2024 10:30pm
Post# 36353988

Steve Harpur Zoom call today

Steve Harpur Zoom call todayThe Zoom call today provided some further details on the proposed capital investments to improve production capacity and efficiency. Mr. Harpur confirmed PLAN had made applications under the BC Manufacturing Investment Fund to help finance the cost of the additions. This fund has two streams as follows:

Stream 1 - Project Readiness
Funding to complete final-stage business and project planning, including operational and technical assessments.
Funding Amount
Maximum: $50,000
Up to 50% of total eligible project costs

Develop a business case to expand operations or diversify product lines
Conduct an operational or technical assessment to improve processes or introduce new technology 
Early research, concept development and scoping are not eligible activities. 
Stream 2 - Capital Investment
Funding to invest in new or renovated manufacturing infrastructure, technology, equipment, and processes, including renovating idle industrial buildings such as an unused mill site. 
Funding Amount
Minimum: $100,000
Maximum: $10,000,000 
Total eligible project costs should be approximately $500,000 up to $100 million
Up to 20% of total eligible project costs

Funding Details
Projects should be initiated within one year 
Funding will be paid out in installments based on milestones achieved
Applicants will be asked to submit project documentation that outlines the project budget, other potential and secured funding sources, and demonstrates project viability

BC Manufacturing Jobs Fund - Province of British Columbia
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