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phantom666 wrote: if you were paying attention over the last year and a half, a major CleanTech Funding was put on hold back in early 2023. It restarted in June/24 where the process could take upto 8 mths to complete IF the application was in the system, otherwise you would have to wait until 2025 to put an application in. IMO what I see is that PLAN IS STILL FULLY focused on PozGlass100G. From the procurement of the equipment to run clean recycled glass, to making space in the exsisting building, to selling the lease on property held, not needing to build on it, there by adding cash to the bank, IMO to keep from going the dilutive route if some funding isn't achieved. Then you have the Texas MIT grads Engineering firm come in to alleviate the bottleneck in the Legacy bussiness, to also increase profit to add to the bank cash, but i'll bet dollars to doughnuts that they also looked at the PozGlass side of things! If you can't see the forest because of the trees then you don't know that PLAN isn't a one trick pony!!
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