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Progressive Planet Solutions Inc V.PLAN

Alternate Symbol(s):  ASHXF

Progressive Planet Solutions Inc. is a Canada-based manufacturing company. The Company is focused on developing critical low-carbon and carbon sequestering solutions using its owned mineral assets and recycled materials to create planet-friendly products, which are being developed at its C-Quester Centre of Sustainable Solutions for the cement, agricultural and animal care industries. The Company’s product lines include patented and patent pending products which are developed using naturally occurring minerals and the urban mining of recycled materials. Its products are available in over 10,000 retail stores across North America. It focuses on reducing the carbon footprint of the global cement industry by developing sustainable alternatives to traditional cement. Its mineral based products include Activated Barn Fresh, Can Blast Abrasives, CAN DRY, Fresh Coop Odour Control and Red Lake Earth, among others. Its operating mines include Red Lake Mine and Bud Bentonite Clay Mine.

TSXV:PLAN - Post by User

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  • 15StanmoreX
Post by 15Stanmoreon Dec 17, 2024 10:51am
Post# 36366201

Tuesday December 17 trading

Tuesday December 17 tradingThere are now 133,000 PLAN shares on offer at $0.185 with no takers so far. 11,000 traded this morning at $0.18, and there are still 1,000 bid at $0.18, with 49,000 sitting just behind this at $0.175.

It is interesting to watch this marginal trading activity against the backdrop of the float available to trade. With 109,761,943 shares issued and outstanding, We currently know that about 40 million shares are definitely in the hands of long term shareholders who have no plans to sell any of their holdings at the current share price below $0.20. So that leaves 69 million shares that we do not have a clear picture of history or intentions.

We do know that the operating results of teh Company are on an improving trend, particularly the core manufacturing operations in the last few quarters. Any investor/shareholder doing even basic quartery financial statement analysis would reasonably conclude the Company's current share price does not reflect its fundemental value, nor the potential that some of its past R&D efforts might produce a significant increase in the near term that would boost investor interest at the same time as encouraging existing shareholders to hold on to and potentially add to their current PLAN holdings.

Basic supply demand dynamics will quickly push a share price higher where new and existing shareholders want to buy, and few if any existing shareholders want to sell. My analysis suggests PLAN is moving into this scenario and we will see positive movement in 2025. 

Interested to hear other shareholders year end assessments - please do share.
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