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Power One Resources Corp V.PWRO

Alternate Symbol(s):  PORCF

Power One Resources Corp is a Canada-based company, which is engaged in acquisition and exploration of rare earth elements. The Company’s two mineral properties include the Pecors Property and the Wicheeda North Property. The Pecors Property is located about 115 kilometers (km) west of Sudbury and about 16 km east of Elliot Lake, Ontario. It is prospective for copper, nickel and platinum group element (PGE) mineralization. The Wicheeda North Property is located about 80 km due north of the city of Prince George and 60 km east of the community of Bear Lake, British Columbia. It is prospective for rare earth element (REE) mineralization. The Wicheeda North Property has approximately 1,444 hectares (ha) of claims in the Cariboo Mining Division, British Columbia, with the claim block adjoining the Defense Metals Corp.

TSXV:PWRO - Post by User

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  • NickCarpathiaX
Comment by NickCarpathiaon Jun 21, 2024 12:16pm
Post# 36100161

RE:RE:RE:Interesting .....

RE:RE:RE:Interesting .....So this genius has run all his plays to a nickel or less.

Let's recap his excellent work.

Marv. - NO cash, debts of $1.3m and nothing happening, betting on a 5 or 10:1 rollback for a financing.

FG - Still not drilling one of the hottest areas in Canada for NI, CU. Dragging this thing until September for sure.

CARM -  Uranium  was on fire last year, he did nothing and now this is just sitting there

EUP - some nice numbers on old holes, but can they find anything new to expand it? This is in Portugal, where he now lives, that's why he's not getting back to anyone.

PWRO - Still no word on drilling, again, he's going to string this along to September.

Look at the fees he and his group take and you'll know why this is a jr miners dream, milk the bagholders, then rollback, get more projects near someone elses find and find new bagholders.

Rollbacks coming in all these losers, his % will remain the same.

He has done this for years and will continue too.

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