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Ramp Metals Inc V.RAMP

Ramp Metals Inc. is a Canada-based battery and base metal exploration company. The Company is focused on green field exploration and new technologies. The Company has two flagship properties located in northern Saskatchewan and one property in Nye County, Nevada. The Company’s properties include Peter Lake Domain (PLD) claims and Rottenstone SW. The Rottenstone SW property is located in the Rottenstone Domain, in Northern Saskatchewan, Canada, approximately 115 kilometers North of La Ronge, Saskatchewan. The property consists of 12 mineral deposit claims covering approximately 17,285 hectares. The Rottenstone SW property is located along a regional northeast - southwest (NE-SW) structure from the historic Rottenstone Mine.

TSXV:RAMP - Post by User

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  • PeterPannerX
Post by PeterPanneron Sep 26, 2024 5:30pm
Post# 36243091

From september 12

From september 12"The Company is currently planning a 14-day mapping and sampling program that will focus on the Ranger target where 73.55 g/t Au over 7.5m was discovered at its Rottenstone SW Project. Ramp Metals has contracted Axiom Exploration Group, located in Saskatoon, to assist with the field exploration. Three teams will be in the field mapping the area around the Ranger discovery hole and along regional strike. The goal of the mapping and sampling program is to gather information on the surface geology to better understand the mineralization and refine priority targets for the upcoming drill program."

Do you think they could have planified it without permitting?
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