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Regulus Resources Inc V.REG

Alternate Symbol(s):  RGLSF

Regulus Resources Inc. is a Canada-based international mineral exploration company. The principal project held by the Company is the AntaKori copper-gold-silver project in northern Peru. The AntaKori project is located approximately 600 kilometers (km) north of Lima and 50 km northwest of the city of Cajamarca, on the world-class Miocene Au-Cu-Ag belt of northern Peru. The AntaKori claim group is located immediately adjacent to the Tantahuatay high-sulphidation epithermal (HS) Au mine (Compania Minera Coimolache, Buenaventura-Southern Peru); 7 km NW of the Cerro Corona porphyry Cu-Au mine (Gold Fields); and 32 km NW of the Yanacocha HS gold mine (Newmont-Buenaventura), all within the prolifically mineralized Yanacocha-Hualgayoc mining district in the Department of Cajamarca. It has completed 31,666.99 m of drilling on the AntaKori project. The AntaKori project hosts a resource with indicated mineral resources of 250 million tons and inferred mineral resources of 267 million tons.

TSXV:REG - Post by User

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  • elchico73X
Post by elchico73on Jun 22, 2024 9:20am
Post# 36101417

Next week.

Next week.who knows?  i'll take it.  what a nice surprise on a friday close!  anyway, for any of us who have been in this for any length of time have seen the sp bounce for a few days and then get smashed back down more than a few times.  that being said, copper is a very hot topic these days and from what i understand reg. has already proved up a susbstantial resource such that the neighbouring pit mine is pretty much digging into our property and needs to make a decision soon about aquiring anta kori.  at the same time we await the Nuton sulphide leach data, which should be unveiled within the next weeks or months, i believe.  From what I've gathered from other posters on other boards (ceo,ca mostly) this could set the stage for a bidding war.  Buenaventura and Southern Copper Corporation are in bed with Coimolache who runs tantahuatay.  So now we have BVN, SCC, and RIO all sniffing around our brownfield project right at the beginning of a possible AI and ESG renissance.  I will be holding for a juicy buyout.
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