Post by
lscfa on Jul 14, 2022 10:28am
100,000 patients by year end?
= $5 mil/mo revenue. Co. said they were at $2 mil/mo at Jan 01 but revenue lags. If Jun qtr does not show at least $6 million then co. is full of it.
Comment by
3burtc on Jul 14, 2022 11:06am
Here is your problem, you do not determine what the numbers are. Btw, the most important stat is how many patients and why the hesitation to say what the numbers are. They are obviously better than what's being stated for dec.31. They just added 24000 patients and that somehow doesn't increase the year end total? Wtf?
Comment by
3burtc on Jul 14, 2022 12:15pm
I'm Also curious how you would know what the numbers are for the year end?
Comment by
Expos44 on Jul 14, 2022 12:45pm
Like any other company would forecast. I would also assume they know what is onboarded presently along with assigned resources to contracted (and pace of those) to come to a number. Now this is my assumption of course but reasonable.