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Northstar Clean Technologies Inc V.ROOF

Alternate Symbol(s):  ROOOF

Northstar Clean Technologies Inc. is a Canada-based clean technology company. The Company is focused on sustainable recovery and reprocessing of asphalt shingles. The Company, through its wholly owned subsidiary Empower, has developed a design process technology, the Bitumen Extraction and Separation Technology (BEST), at its Empower Pilot Facility for taking discarded or defective single-use asphalt shingles, and extracting the liquid asphalt for use in new hot mix asphalt, shingle manufacturing and asphalt flat roof systems, and aggregate and fiber for use in construction products and other industrial applications. It plans to reprocess used or defective asphalt shingle waste back into its three primary components for reuse/resale at both its Empower Pilot Facility in Delta, British Columbia and its commercial scale-up facility in Calgary, Alberta.

TSXV:ROOF - Post by User

Post by Daudau11on Nov 29, 2024 2:39pm
Post# 36338025

Common Sense Investing - ROOF

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