Post by BuyingTImeon Jan 24, 2021 11:03am

Post# 32370684
Let's see
Let's seeA company call excal I bought in 2007 at 32 cents called the sleeper in Nevada. In 2008 it crashed to 15 then 8 then 5 and then like skp 3 cents I bought close to 10 million shares at 3 cents. Gpr 136 million shares my first buy 25 cents and crashed to 18 cents I bought 100 thousand. Patients and nervousness at that time. Pzg bought out excal at 18 cents and gpr hit 5 bucks in 18 months i sold and after seeing the money I ran like forest Gump and quit my job making 50 bucks a hour in the oil rigs and never looked back and have fun telling my story. Once in a lifetime I thought. This time we have been granted a second chance and I'm not nervous at all but very smarter at seeing a printing press in full gear and that nice word stagflation. This time I signed up on stockhouse and put it out there at 3 cents. My target of skp not about drilling results but about that word I said can easy push skp over 10 bucks. Bt