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Strikepoint Gold Inc V.SKP

Alternate Symbol(s):  STKXF

StrikePoint Gold Inc. is a Canada-based gold exploration company focused on building precious metals resources in Canada and the Western United States. The Company’s projects include Cuprite, Willoughby and Porter. The Cuprite Gold Project consists of approximately 574 unpatented claims covering approximately 44 square kilometers (km), located 15 kilometers (km) south of Goldfield Nevada, and 85-km northwest of Beatty. The project is located within the Walker Lane Gold Trend. The Company holds a 100% interest in the Willoughby property, located in north-western British Columbia. The project is subject to a 1.5% net smelter return (NSR) royalty. The Company holds a 100% interest in the Porter Idaho Property, located near Stewart, British Columbia. The property is subject to a 1% NSR. It also holds Hercules Gold Project, which consists of 1,323 unpatented mining claims and four patented mining claims covering approximately 100 square kilometers of prospective Walker Lane geology.

TSXV:SKP - Post by User

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  • Lock12345X
Comment by Lock12345on Jan 24, 2021 7:56pm
Post# 32372178

RE:Let's see

RE:Let's see
BuyingTIme wrote: A company call excal I bought in 2007 at 32 cents called the sleeper in Nevada. In 2008 it crashed to 15 then 8 then 5 and then like skp 3 cents I bought close to 10 million shares at 3 cents. Gpr 136 million shares my first buy 25 cents and crashed to 18 cents I bought 100 thousand. Patients and nervousness at that time. Pzg bought out excal at 18 cents and gpr hit 5 bucks in 18 months i sold and after seeing the money I ran like forest Gump and quit my job making 50 bucks a hour in the oil rigs and never looked back and have fun telling my story. Once in a lifetime I thought. This time we have been granted a second chance and I'm not nervous at all but very smarter at seeing a printing press in full gear and that nice word stagflation. This time I signed up on stockhouse and put it out there at 3 cents. My target of skp not about drilling results but about that word I said can easy push skp over 10 bucks. Bt

Hey BT,

Sounds like you have been in the junior exploration game longer than me.  I know what you are saying as I started investing during the 90s junior mining pump and dump with a little money wagered and did fairly well as well as the 2009- 2011 rise and fall.  I held on too long on some plays that went up 5x to fault for not selling before the fall but still did OK.  Learned a lot during those two periods and have put it into play over the last 4 years or so.

If you care to look and for the benfit of others, SKP used to be Marum and it went from $0.07 to $0.50 in late 2009 / early 2010 until falling back to virtually zero.  But that was a rise on nothing but proximity to San Gold which eventually went bust after a 10 bagger from 50 cents to 5 bucks.  Marum had nothing compared to what Shawn has accumulated in the re-birth of SKP since 2016.  Patience is key but very hard to do for most, including me some days.  SKP will go as the gold/silver market goes.  I will stand by my latest predictions for now as posted last week.


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