Post by Lock12345on Feb 24, 2021 10:48am

Post# 32646509
Gold & Silver Prices and the S&P/TSX Venture
Gold & Silver Prices and the S&P/TSX VentureAt some point in mid 2019 I met with a few mining execs in Vancouver and discussed the junior mining market. They all sang the same tune when gold was around $1500 USD, Silver near $15 USD and the Venture Composite Index was just above 600. They said, "What we need is Gold to hit $1800 USD, Silver to be over $20 USD and the composite to be around 1000. Then the buyers will come in droves and the junior market will take off."
I hate to say that we have had those conditions for a while and still crickets in the junior mining space. I have come to the conclusion that these so-called junior mining execs and experts know less than f#ck-all about the junior mining market. What do you call a guy standing by a dirt hole in the middle of nowhere spewing lies...??? A junior mining CEO!!!