Post by capt1120on Nov 26, 2024 12:40pm
Post# 36331502
KABOOM down to 12 C
KABOOM down to 12 CWell that was some hack trading at 8.30 Westcoast time this am, stock trades down from 22 to 12 cents in a 5 minute window with several different sell brokers involved, looks like a AlGO program kicked it into gear for the meltdown in price, the company could not raise the 3 MM and closed just under half that amount, they extended the offer but no further update, looks like a seller has read that its like most efforts out here in the mining space its fell short, The air is getting very thin to breath any life in these names as they all seem to be on life support capital raises. IF Sprott is not involved or a mining company Major it would seem they get thrown under the bus and live Curb side till the regulators pull them off the board, its a scrap yard out here.