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SKRR Exploration Inc. V.SKRR

Alternate Symbol(s):  SKKRF

SKRR Exploration Inc. is a Canada-based precious and base metal explorer with properties in Saskatchewan. The Company's primary exploration is focused on the Trans-Hudson Corridor in Saskatchewan in search of uranium, precious, and base metal deposits. Its projects include Clearwater West, Olson, Carp River, Father Lake, Irving, Ithingo and Cathro. It has entered into an option agreement with F3 Uranium Corp. to acquire around 70% interest in the Clearwater West Property comprising three contiguous mineral claims across 11,786 hectares (ha). It has acquired 75% of Eagle Plains' Olson gold property, comprising 20 mineral claims, located around 100 kilometers (kms) east of La Ronge, Saskatchewan, in the Deschambault Lake area. The Cathro gold property is located 50 kms northeast of the La Ronge, Saskatchewan from Eagle Plains. The Father Lake property has six contiguous mineral claims. The Carp River property is comprised of seven contiguous mineral claims totaling 6,731 ha.

TSXV:SKRR - Post by User

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  • lifegoesonX
Comment by lifegoesonon Aug 20, 2020 2:49pm
Post# 31435033

RE:Gold Junior miners

RE:Gold Junior minersSKRR just listed on the Franfurt Stock Exchange. Also $0.25 financing and not a cheap criminal financing at five cents like all the others do. Less than 20 M shares outstanding and 1.5 M shares of buying (good sign), plus field program completed about a month ago, so results are getting close.... and they  have permits moving to drill. And from a previous press release... "The Olson project area is host to 29 mineral occurrences defined by historical geological mapping, prospecting, trenching and 4700 m of diamond drilling. Historical drilling at Olson Lake has intersected 7.5 m grading 2.07 g/t Au including 13.00 g/t Au over 0.65 m and grab samples of up to 105.52 g/t Au have been collected at the Kalix occurrence.".... should be an interesting play. Most juniors have consolidated, so there are a lot of these plays to take positions in. Drilling this fall if everything goes as planned.
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