Comment by lifegoesonon Aug 20, 2020 2:49pm

Post# 31435033
RE:Gold Junior miners
RE:Gold Junior minersSKRR just listed on the Franfurt Stock Exchange. Also $0.25 financing and not a cheap criminal financing at five cents like all the others do. Less than 20 M shares outstanding and 1.5 M shares of buying (good sign), plus field program completed about a month ago, so results are getting close.... and they have permits moving to drill. And from a previous press release... "The Olson project area is host to 29 mineral occurrences defined by historical geological mapping, prospecting, trenching and 4700 m of diamond drilling. Historical drilling at Olson Lake has intersected 7.5 m grading 2.07 g/t Au including 13.00 g/t Au over 0.65 m and grab samples of up to 105.52 g/t Au have been collected at the Kalix occurrence.".... should be an interesting play. Most juniors have consolidated, so there are a lot of these plays to take positions in. Drilling this fall if everything goes as planned.