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SKRR Exploration Inc. V.SKRR

Alternate Symbol(s):  SKKRF

SKRR Exploration Inc. is a Canada-based precious and base metal explorer with properties in Saskatchewan. The Company's primary exploration is focused on the Trans-Hudson Corridor in Saskatchewan in search of uranium, precious, and base metal deposits. Its projects include Clearwater West, Olson, Carp River, Father Lake, Irving, Ithingo and Cathro. It has entered into an option agreement with F3 Uranium Corp. to acquire around 70% interest in the Clearwater West Property comprising three contiguous mineral claims across 11,786 hectares (ha). It has acquired 75% of Eagle Plains' Olson gold property, comprising 20 mineral claims, located around 100 kilometers (kms) east of La Ronge, Saskatchewan, in the Deschambault Lake area. The Cathro gold property is located 50 kms northeast of the La Ronge, Saskatchewan from Eagle Plains. The Father Lake property has six contiguous mineral claims. The Carp River property is comprised of seven contiguous mineral claims totaling 6,731 ha.

TSXV:SKRR - Post by User

Post by IWAnewson Sep 01, 2021 11:55am
Post# 33794497

In Order to Make Big Gains You Need to Own the Right Junior

In Order to Make Big Gains You Need to Own the Right Junior

In Order to Make Big Gains You Need to Own the Right Junior

These days, if you as an investor are hoping to make a big score you are in luck. Here are six companies that are on sale at compelling prices with tremendous exploration assets with a heavy emphasis on metals and resources that will benefit from electrification. IWA has also included our top precious metal stocks in this report.

The top investment pros claim that the price of copper and other key metals will skyrocket over the next decade. A big driver of this bull market will be electric vehicles (EVs). Make sure you are positioned with the right juniors as that is always where the BIG gains are.

Regular IWA readers know that EVs create a very bullish long-term consumption curve for many elements. They know, for example, that electric vehicles require three times more copper than

conventional vehicles with international combustion engines. On average, an internal combustion engine uses 55 pounds of copper. A hybrid uses about 110 pounds and an EV uses 165 pounds.

For a long time, mass adoption of EVs was an environmentalist’s dream. Zero emission vehicles that run on electricity just couldn’t compete with conventional cars on price, quality, and fueling infrastructure. But thanks to incredible advances in technology, massive investments by large car makers, and huge government support, electric vehicles (EVs) are poised to go mainstream.

The good news is, no matter who is right, many elements and certain junior stocks are going a lot higher.

The gold deposits of the vast Trans-Hudson Corridor have remained largely untouched for almost two billion years. Vancouver’s SKRR Exploration Inc. (TSX-V: SKRR) believes that’s long enough, as it accelerates its drilling program in the underexplored Saskatchewan segment of the corridor.

Ross McElroy, chairman of the board and director of SKRR, notes that the province was previously known for small deposits of high-grade gold. However, the decline in the price of gold in the 1990s, and the relatively small stature of known gold deposits in the province, didn’t support further exploration.

“We’re now in a gold bull market,” he says. “With the success of Seabee and Santoy and with the availability of new tools and approaches to exploration, and the collective experience of the SKRR team in unlocking the value of these mineral plays, this is the right time for us to  concentrate on Saskatchewan.”

Read complete article Here.

The Right Elements for Discovery SKRR Infographic.

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