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ShaMaran Petroleum Corp V.SNM

Alternate Symbol(s):  SHASF

ShaMaran Petroleum Corp. is a Canadian independent oil and gas company focused on the Kurdistan region of Iraq (KRI). The Company is engaged in the business of oil and gas exploration and production and holds interests in production sharing contracts. The Company indirectly holds an 18% working interest (22.5% paying interest) in the Sarsang Block in the KRI through its wholly owned subsidiary ShaMaran Sarsang A/S and a 50% working interest (66.67% paying interest) in the Atrush Block in KRI through its wholly owned subsidiary General Exploration Partners, Inc. (GEP). The Company is focused on developing the considerable reserve and production upside potential of its projects.

TSXV:SNM - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by mono13on Jan 28, 2021 6:28am
Post# 32407078

Plan for expansion

Plan for expansionIt will be very interesting to see if there are any decisions, about expanding the field to 80-100bopd. This was to be decided on, in 2020 but was put on hold when Covid-19 became a fact and the oil price crashed. But now it's time I think to make a decision on the issue regarding the future expansion of the field. Page 3. Here I see the greatest potential for an upgrade of the company. Here, future company value and future belief regarding Atrush's ability to be the company's basis for stability and sole asset are determined. I would like to see the use of cash flow to acquire new assets. And that the company can grow further with higher share prices as a result!
Bullboard Posts