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ShaMaran Petroleum Corp V.SNM

Alternate Symbol(s):  SHASF

ShaMaran Petroleum Corp. is a Canadian independent oil and gas company focused on the Kurdistan region of Iraq (KRI). The Company is engaged in the business of oil and gas exploration and production and holds interests in production sharing contracts. The Company indirectly holds an 18% working interest (22.5% paying interest) in the Sarsang Block in the KRI through its wholly owned subsidiary ShaMaran Sarsang A/S and a 50% working interest (66.67% paying interest) in the Atrush Block in KRI through its wholly owned subsidiary General Exploration Partners, Inc. (GEP). The Company is focused on developing the considerable reserve and production upside potential of its projects.

TSXV:SNM - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by mono13on Jan 28, 2021 6:31am
Post# 32407083

”Installation of Second Trainat Early Production Facility"

”Installation of Second Trainat Early Production Facility"I think it is very interesting to look back at information that the company has given before. To create an image of where they are today or in the near future. If you look at the presentation from August. Page 8 So it will be very interesting regarding the opportunity to see an increase of production in the very near future. Wonder how far the company has come? Installation of Second Trainat Early Production Facility. Second productiontrain (EPF.T2) brings current Atrush processing capacity in line with well capacity circa 58Mbopd. Is it already installed and they can easily screw up prod 10,000 barrels / day? There is a lot that justifies this, among other things, if you get the debt back from Nov-Feb faster. That calculation becomes much more appealing if you count on 55$ barrels/brent, which we are a bit over now at the time of writing, and a production of 58,000 barrels / day. I do not see it as completely unlikely that in the foreseeable future we will hear from the company that they will increase production to these levels. This is, after all, information from August and it is quite reasonable that we are there today.
Bullboard Posts