Maybe its time for an investigation???Did all the public investers who invested in V.SOLR @.40-.70 still have their shares????Did they bail????If so who has the money that those people lost???? "PLENTY OF PROJECTS ON THE PIPELINE" seems to be a favorite statement from V.SOLR,to bad the quartilies aren t showing it!!!!!Why aren t longs asking any questions????Am i the only person that realizes the after a complaint to the BC securities was filed,Jason Bak was gone and the office secretly moved out of B.C. to Ontario,V.SOLR moves to a bigger per capita of business/people and NO NR??????Whose rules is V.SOLR playing by????The AMERICAN STOCK EXCHNGE OR CANADIAN EXCHANGE??????By the way you "FAT CHEESE EATING TROLL PIG"(WINSOFCHANGE1),pretty much everytime i ve stated where this SP is going for last 6 months,you ve gone out of your way to call me an "IDIOT",guess what you CHEESE EATING FAT TROLLING PIG,......i m %^#@$ right!!!!!So don t forget to lick the cheese grease off those fat fingers of yours ,so your fingers don t slide off the keys.WHERS THE MONEY MYKE CLARKE,ARE YOU JUST ABOUT DONE BEING A LIAR????Remember MYKE it was end of july (page24/25 on stockhouse) 2021 you were quoted through emails as stating that you cared about the public invester,what a joke,to say in the least!!!!!You even had the nerve to cry about what people are saying about you on some of the V.SOLR BOARDS,well look at the SP then,and look at it now,ther no need to say anything here MYKE,PLENTY OF PUBLIC INVESTERS ARE THINKING IT!!!!!