Comment by morecents7on Sep 15, 2021 11:13am

Post# 33861677
RE:RE:RE:DD Research on GoldSpot
RE:RE:RE:DD Research on GoldSpotMakes sense. Just grasping at straws to explain how thr sp didn't match my
The overall trend is perhaps the best explanation, although the spike in August and then descent afterwards seems to have a story. Maybe just those who have been holding long since pennies cashed in, and the results were more mixed than they appeared at first glance. Feels like everyone talks about how undervalued the stock is, but the market doesn't seem to agree.
Many of my junior penny stocks are trading sideways lately, so makes sense.
One thing I'll note is that even when juniors are hurting, I suspect they will need SPOT's tools even more, and so buffered somewhat from the overall trend.