Comment by morecents7on Sep 15, 2021 12:37pm

Post# 33862293
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:DD Research on GoldSpot
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:DD Research on GoldSpotI don't think there is a good way to answer that, other than everyone is hopeful it will and then some. I think some of us thought the catalyst to get there was in showing profitability again, but not so. It all depends on nature of the news going forward.
1. If most annoucments are of the type in the alst couple weeks, then I expect it will drift sideways.
2. if they land some diverse clients, like they did with the lithium play, then expect a jump.
3. If they show frequent new clients, then it may well climb steadily and even exponetially.
4. If they announce a new take-over, then I don't know...depends on what it is and how much.
5. If Nov numbers are good, then upwards, but "good" obviously means different things to different people.
So a lot of ifs.