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EarthLabs Inc V.SPOT

Alternate Symbol(s):  SPOFF

EarthLabs Inc. is a Canada-based mining investment, technology, and media company. It provides strategic leverage to the metals and mining sector through investments, royalties and a full suite of data-driven media software-as-a-service (SaaS) tools and services, including CEO.CA, The Northern Miner, MINING.COM, and Canadian Mining Journal. The Company’s Financial Technology Division (FTD) business vertical includes CEO.CA Technologies Ltd. (CEO.CA), EarthLabs Media Inc. (ELM), and the Company’s investment portfolio. Through FTD, the Company offers a wide range of cloud-based, interoperable Web applications. CEO.CA is a social network for investors and traders in junior resource and venture stocks with online and mobile functionality. CEO.CA is visited by millions of users each year from over 164 countries. CEO.CA offers a monthly premium service known as CEO.CA PRO for real-time stock price monitoring and live market depth.

TSXV:SPOT - Post by User

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  • morecents7X
Comment by morecents7on Sep 28, 2021 9:51am
Post# 33929933

RE:RE:News - SPOT aids hi-grade find for Sterling in Nfld

RE:RE:News - SPOT aids hi-grade find for Sterling in NfldI think that is a pretty hard question to answer, at least on this forum. Depends completely on how people are valuating the company.
Most people on this forum I assume expected it to be at 1.50 already, but the market has disagreed.  
The p/e ration seems unbelievable low, but obviosuly not to everyone.
The price of gold is obviosuly a factor and it is heading lower.
the stock market in genral is very high, so risk for small caps might be low too.
Many got in at a very low price in the last year, so profit taking is a factor
We dont' really know where the next quarter will bring us. As you say, maybe the consulting fees will surpass expenses, which seems like it should be a very good thing, but who knows if it is really an important factor for most investors.
And then there are suprises in the news which no one can predict.

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