Comment by morecents7on Sep 28, 2021 9:51am

Post# 33929933
RE:RE:News - SPOT aids hi-grade find for Sterling in Nfld
RE:RE:News - SPOT aids hi-grade find for Sterling in NfldI think that is a pretty hard question to answer, at least on this forum. Depends completely on how people are valuating the company.
Most people on this forum I assume expected it to be at 1.50 already, but the market has disagreed.
The p/e ration seems unbelievable low, but obviosuly not to everyone.
The price of gold is obviosuly a factor and it is heading lower.
the stock market in genral is very high, so risk for small caps might be low too.
Many got in at a very low price in the last year, so profit taking is a factor
We dont' really know where the next quarter will bring us. As you say, maybe the consulting fees will surpass expenses, which seems like it should be a very good thing, but who knows if it is really an important factor for most investors.
And then there are suprises in the news which no one can predict.