Comment by Sciencegeek1on Sep 28, 2021 1:08pm

Post# 33931130
RE:RE:RE:News - SPOT aids hi-grade find for Sterling in Nfld
RE:RE:RE:News - SPOT aids hi-grade find for Sterling in NfldNot sure investors are looking at the best assets of the company here. Every agreement they sign and work on expands the dataset available to them to train and refine their AI algorithm. It's that access to a large and expanding dataset that for me is the real value in the company and to any company who may consider acquiring them in the future. The fact that they are generating decent revenue I regard as just a very nice positive to that other story at this point. I can understand some bought in at the 30s and 40s so taking some profit is a good move. I never thought I was going to be able to pickup more shares under $1, so I will take this as an opportunity to add more as I did today. GLTA.