Comment by morecents7on Sep 29, 2021 9:32am

Post# 33936071
RE:RE:RE:RE:News - SPOT aids hi-grade find for Sterling in Nfld
RE:RE:RE:RE:News - SPOT aids hi-grade find for Sterling in NfldI think that is a useful point of view.
Although there is the value of the shares themselves as opposed to the royalties (although future connected ultimately). There is also the roster of technicians and consulting and such that compliment the tech. I'd say that if it were just the software, the risk would feel much higher, as pure tech/software is a competitive field and hard to maintain the momentum even if you get the upper hand in a market. The investments they make help derisk to some extent, at least in the short term as they grow.
But you're maybe right that in the final analysis, it may be mianly the tech that makes this the size of company that reflects the size of the sp that we all wish for.
And I wouldn't worry about being unpopular. The pumper/dumper comments that pervade stockwatch are silly - nothing said here really influences the sp anyway. Good to have real discussions - reality always trumps wishful thinking.