RE:I think all you folks are dreaming in technicolourI actually had some issues with the potential conflicts of interest a bit ago and voiced them directly to Goldspot. My concerns were a little different but still arose from the mix of the services side of the house and the investment side of the house.
To Goldspot's credit, when I raised those concerns, they provided with a great explanation of how it is organized internally within the company and the various checks that are in place to avoid any appearances of impropriety.
What was key to me is that the investment portfolio (after acquired by Goldspot) is actually not managed by Goldspot, but by a third-party investor. This is almost akin to a blind trust. That third-party is different than the committee that makes the determinations of what companies Goldspot invests in initially.
The one downside is that Goldspot is not able to move in and out of their various investments based on trading trends in the market, but the good side is that it avoids attacks that there is a conflict of interest or stock manipulation. When Goldspot invests in these various companies, it is in for the long-haul, not for a quick pump and dump.
If you really think Goldspot will fail in the delivery of its services, then I suppose you might not want a situation where the company has a "this has to work" mentality. But I suspect that their customers, which includes NFG, don't share that view. Instead, I think they appreciate partnering with a company who is willing to have some skin in the game.
braindeadoldguy wrote: This is the only post I am going to do, so you can argue with it all you want, but not with me personally. I own a business. This business model here is flawed. Here you have a conflict of interest with the CEO of NFG, who created a system with a computer, has patents, has access to information fed into the system, and is willing to go to a property, did I read that right, for free to get you started, and the owner signs on the doted line for a royalty payment sometime down the road, even if it takes 10 years, or never.
Studies show that only 1 in 1,000 exploration companies ever become a mine. Secondly, I am willing to bet that when payday comes, the company will be in court instead of collecting because all sorts of arguments can come up IE - prove that your system works, and there are all kinds of arguments for this.
So you have an entepreneur who is obsessed with thinking "this has to work" and "I will convince them" and a few people will join in, but I am afraid the effort required and the costs incurred, are simply not going to shine in your wallets.