Post by Geodan2on Mar 08, 2022 3:14pm

Post# 34496675
A new article on GoldSpot out today
A new article on GoldSpot out todayThey have 4 years of 100% growth or better, are highly profitable and are loaded with cash. They may have the best business model not just of the gold mining sector but of any stock.
Here is new article on them here is title and a few snips: Goldspot Discoveries Gets Paid To Receive Mining Royalties - A Revolutionary Business Model
The company is well funded. They have $50M cad in cash & cash equivalents and have around $65M cad in assets under management. They are backed by the high-profile names in the industry, among which are Eric Sprott (holds a 20% stake), Pallisades Goldcorp and Triple Flag Mining. The current market cap is around $105M cad. All that while revenues and investment gains are expected to increase multifold over the next few years. Morningstar says Return on Equity is an astounding 80% in the last full reported year (2020). The Allen EV/EBITDA is about 3 and the PE Ratio of GoldSpot is about 4 on UncleStock.