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EarthLabs Inc V.SPOT

Alternate Symbol(s):  SPOFF

EarthLabs Inc. is a mining investment, technology, and media company. It provides strategic leverage to the metals and mining sector through investments, royalties and a full suite of data-driven media software-as-a-service tools and services, including CEO.CA, The Northern Miner, MINING.COM, Canadian Mining Journal and DigiGeoData. Its Financial Technology Division (FTD) business vertical includes CEO.CA Technologies Ltd. (CEO.CA), EarthLabs Media Inc., DigiGeoData Inc. (DigiGeoData), and its investment portfolio. Through FTD, it offers a range of cloud-based, interoperable Web applications. CEO.CA is a social network for investors and traders in junior resource and venture stocks with online and mobile functionality. DigiGeoData is developing its DigiGeoAtlas platform, a software-based GIS interactive mapping interface, alongside its DigiGeoMaps distribution business. Its investment portfolio is a combination of its strategic investments in junior mineral exploration companies.

TSXV:SPOT - Post by User

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  • Malpeque2X
Comment by Malpeque2on Oct 05, 2023 1:50pm
Post# 35671497

RE:RE:Vulture Capital Wanted!!!

RE:RE:Vulture Capital Wanted!!!I agree 100%.   But some investor(s) should approach him about taking the bull by the horns and delivering some value for shareholders here,   and they best way to do it is to get Sprott on Board for the restructuring of the BOD and managment of SPOT and start buying back some shares at this discount to cash and working capital.   

If they have Sprott's vote it would be easy to call the Special Meeting and change the BOD at this meeting.     Nobody has to buy the whole company,  though that could be done also.    Just buy enough shares to make it worth some Vulture Capital happy to complete the change in BOD and managment.

I have heard a lot of the Podcasts.   I'm not impressed with this team.    Can't see how they are worth anywhere near these salaries.  Looks like Pintree Capital 2.0.   Left to their own devices they will burn thru all the Cash and Capital over a period of year,   IMO.
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