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Summa Silver Corp V.SSVR

Alternate Symbol(s):  SSVRF

Summa Silver Corp. is a Canada-based junior mineral exploration company. The Company owns a 100% interest in the Hughes project located in central Nevada and in the Mogollon project located in southwestern New Mexico. The Hughes Property is located within and adjacent to the town of Tonopah, Nevada, the County Seat of Nye County, in the west-central part of the State. The Property comprises approximately 57 patented mining claims and 246 unpatented mineral claims, covering a total of roughly 5,504 acres. The Property is in the heart of the Tonopah Mining District, a silver and gold producing district in Nevada. The Mogollon Property is located in Catron County in southwest New Mexico, adjacent to the small town of Mogollon. The Property comprises 85 patented mining claims and 403 unpatented mineral claims, which cover approximately 7730 acres (3128 hectares) of land. It covers a silver-gold bearing epithermal vein field.

TSXV:SSVR - Post by User

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  • MarketMakerssX
Post by MarketMakersson Jan 31, 2024 6:37pm
Post# 35855997

SSVR CEO on Mogollon & Huges (MIF 2024)

SSVR CEO on Mogollon & Huges (MIF 2024)
Detailing the immense potential remaining in the data-rich but underexplored silver districts, Summa Silver (SSVR.v SSVRF) CEO recently presented at the Metals Investor Forum this January, discussing its 100% owned Mogollon and Hughes Projects:
Mogollon Project
The Mogollon Project is the largest historical silver producer in New Mexico with at least 16.4Moz Ag and 339kox Au of production at grades of 298g/t Ag and 6.16 g/t Au or 795 g/t AgEq between the 1880s and 1943.
However, Mogollon has the potential to be one of the last great vein fields in the US due to its under-explored nature, leaving multiple targets with widespread and undrilled high-grade mineralization at surface.
The work at Mogollon is just beginning as current drilling is testing just 2 of 77km of potentially silver-bearing vein length on the project and targets along the Queen Vein representing only 2.5% of the total vein and structure length on the project.
Recently, SSVR reported the results from its geological mapping and soil geochemical survey which showed significant discovery potential with samples from the consolidated target having yielded drill results including 448 g/t AgEq* over 31.0 m (129 g/t Ag, 3.88 g/t Au). (Source:
Notably, SSVR remains fully funded for its current drill program with ~$5M in working capital
Hughes Project
The Hughes Project is located in the eastern half of the historic Tonopah District in Nevada, the second largest historic silver producer in Nevada, which has seen total production of 175Moz of Ag and 1.86Moz of Au at grades of 679g/t Ag and 7.3 g/t Au or 1,234 g/t AgEq.
SSVR's drill highlights include 3,971g/t AgEq over 2.8m, 536 g/t AgEq over 18.1m and 1,450 g/t AgEq over 3.0m with multiple zones exceeding 1,000 g/t AgEq intersected over a 6.5km trend that is largely open with un-tested drill targets.
The Opportunity
With two famous high-grade past producers currently being drilled with excellent results to date, SSVR has a clear path ahead with large-scale ounce potential and significant leverage to silver and gold prices.
Bolstered by a proven management team with a proven track record of multiple discoveries and creating shareholder value, SSVR is well poised for growth in two stable and established mining jurisdictions.
Posted on Behalf of Summa Silver Corp.

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