ORIGINAL: Oweegee Dome Copper-Gold Porphyry Project, Golden Triangle BC IP Geophysical Anomalies Present Compelling Follow-up Targets
2022-12-12 08:41 ET - News Release
- Approximately 8 line-kilometres of IP completed between July and late September 2022.
- Results have discovered four new high priority targets.
- IP when combined with soil geochemistry is an effective technique for discovery of porphyry systems.
- Initial drill results expected imminently.
Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - December 12, 2022) - Sanatana Resources Inc. (TSXV: STA) ("Sanatana" or the "Company")) is pleased to provide an exploration update on its 2022 IP program at the Oweegee Dome copper-gold (Cu-Au) porphyry project located beside pavement and power in BC's Golden Triangle.
The 2022 IP program was undertaken between July 15 and September 21 and included approximately 8 line-kilometres of IP geophysical surveying, focused mainly to the south and west of the 2021 program. This program expands and improves the 9 line-kilometres of IP geophysical surveying completed in 2021. For this work, Sanatana contracted Dias Geophysical's distributed array deep IP ("DCIP") survey system. This system provides full, high quality, and high-resolution 3-D resistivity and induced polarization models of the subsurface.
Significantly, the 2022 program has resulted in the discovery of four large, deeper chargeability IP anomalies that the Company thought might exist to the south and west at Oweegee, owing to an enhanced understanding of the geological structure at Oweegee Dome. Drilling IP chargeability with coincident geochemistry (Cu in soils or rock or chip sampling) has proven to be successful at Oweegee Dome, as well as other areas within the Golden Triangle and BC.
Buddy Doyle, President said, "Our work to date has demonstrated that we are in the upper levels of a classic BC-style porphyry system. Any one of these IP anomalies, upon drilling, could reveal the deeper, usually higher copper tenor, part of the system. Drill testing these will be an exciting part of our 2023 season."
Peter Miles, Sanatana's CEO commented, "Sanatana's 2022 exploration program was designed to test and expand our understanding of Oweegee Dome's geology. The IP program has identified five anomalies, of which four are new, which will be followed up in our 2023 drill program. We are still waiting on assay results from our 2022 drill program and will report on those when received. We expect the first complete hole, likely drill hole #8, to be reported on imminently. News flow should increase substantially over the next few months as the results of our approximately 3,700 metre, $3.3 million 2022 exploration program are received."
Dias has provided Sanatana with its best-fit 3-D model which shows information from surface level around 1,500 metres above sea level ("asl") to about 400 metres asl (1,100 metres in depth) and reveals several compelling drill targets, a plan view of this model is provided in Figure 1.
The IP survey indicates five anomalies:
- Crescent: 200 m x 500 m, near surface
- Snowpatch: 400 m x 300 m, 400m below surface
- Jack Creek: 375 m x 400 m, 300m below surface
- Junction: 300 m x 750 m, open to the east to surface, mostly 300 m below
- The Dome: 400 m x 400 m, open to the north 300m below surface

Figure 1 - Oweegee 2022 IP plan view. IP Chargeability 11 - 14 mV/V iso-surfaces with 2022 drill hole traces in green and historic drill hole traces in white.
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Drilling from 2022 is shown in green, historic hole traces in white. The Delta Crescent is the only IP anomaly that was drill tested. It had returned copper mineralization from the historic holes with DC2007-03 returning 86m grading 0.2 g/t Au and 0.1% Cu. Drill hole OW-2022-08 also intersected this anomaly; results are pending. Follow-up drilling is slated for the Delta Crescent and the other four anomalies in 2023. It is our belief that that one or more of these five anomalies are the main body of the porphyry system. Additional IP will be undertaken to close off the Dome and Junction anomalies which occur near the survey boundary.

Figure 2.- Delta Crescent IP chargeability isosurfaces; 11 mV/V (orange outer) - 14 mV/V (pink inner) with all drill hole traces.
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Figure 3 - Looking west at Delta Crescent and Junction anomalies IP chargeability isosurfaces; 11 mV/V (orange outer) - 14 mV/V (pink inner) . Note Junction anomaly likely does not outcrop and is covered by vegetation and forest.
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The technical information in this news release was prepared under the supervision of Buddy Doyle B.App Sc Geology, MAUSIMM. Mr. Doyle is a Qualified Person for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects and has reviewed and approved the technical information disclosed in this news release.
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