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Transatlantic Mining Corp V.TCO

Alternate Symbol(s):  TRRGF

Transatlantic Mining Corp. is a Canada-based precious and base metal explorer. The Company is engaged in the acquisition and exploration of mineral property interests, such as the Golden Jubilee and Miller Mine Gold Property and the Monitor Copper/Gold Property. It has property interests including an 80% joint venture position on the Monitor Copper-Gold project in Montana-Idaho and 100% of the Golden Jubilee Gold Project with its associated mining rights. The Company has an extended lease, right to mine and purchase arrangement for the Miller Gold Mine in Montana. The Golden Jubilee Property is located in Granite County, Montana, about 20 kilometers (km) from the township of Phillipsburg. The property lies on the famous Red Lion corridor. The Miller Mine Gold Property is located in Broadwater County, Montana, about 30 km from the township of Helena. The Monitor Project is located along the eastern extension of North Idaho’s Coeur dAlene Mining District.

TSXV:TCO - Post by User

Post by Dragoonon Sep 11, 2023 2:21pm
Post# 35629839

Putting TCO grades in perspective by comparing companies

Putting TCO grades in perspective by comparing companies
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