Post by
ggrellette on Sep 01, 2022 12:07pm
Recent news has taken most........................
shareholders by surprise. That lack by the company to put out a press release just about her says she over stayed her welcome which is very un-nerving to say the least especially ALL the fanfare that this company prodcasted when she was joining the team. Something here is definitely afoot and it is rotten IMHO. The news was hidden in the financials that were released and that is NEVER a good sign. By doing that the company does not want to advertise her departure but has to by LAW.
Comment by
Rumpl3StiltSkin on Sep 01, 2022 1:17pm
I agree with all of this, I do think 90 days from now the TR numbers will look a ton better. I believe TLT has plenty of money to get to that timeframe. They may have had to Let Dr. Vera go because the money is soo tight.