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Ucore Rare Metals Inc. V.UCU

Alternate Symbol(s):  UURAF

Ucore is focused on rare and critical-metal resources, extraction, beneficiation, and separation technologies with the potential for production, growth, and scalability. Ucore's vision and plan is to become a leading advanced technology company, providing best-in-class metal separation products and services to the mining and mineral extraction industry.

TSXV:UCU - Post by User

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  • Pipinocuevas2X
Comment by Pipinocuevas2on Nov 27, 2024 1:44pm
Post# 36334011

RE:I am encouraged ...

RE:I am encouraged ...Mutt
I think ryan bought 60K and to be honest, Randy Johnson been funding Ucore and getting sweetheart deals along the way. When Ucore did a Rights offering many yrs back, RJ was first in line to get paid   and he did   shareholders suffered alot. RO doubled share count

Be nice if youre correct, still possible OEMs interest
But EVs sales have stalled and with $7,500 tax credti going away, doesnt look like they have to rush
DOD should have an interest if RSX passes muster   have no idea what those chances are   could be 90%, could be 9%
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