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Ucore Rare Metals Inc. V.UCU

Alternate Symbol(s):  UURAF

Ucore is focused on rare and critical-metal resources, extraction, beneficiation, and separation technologies with the potential for production, growth, and scalability. Ucore's vision and plan is to become a leading advanced technology company, providing best-in-class metal separation products and services to the mining and mineral extraction industry.

TSXV:UCU - Post by User

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  • Dragonsmyth7X
Post by Dragonsmyth7on Nov 27, 2024 1:49pm
Post# 36334024

It all boils down to ...

It all boils down to ...

Good Morning People,
Guess what!  We have sun this morning!  After the rain and gray of the last ten days.  Is is something that is very nice to see..  But give it a little bit an that could change.
Okay, on to Ucore.  Well, it all boils down to what we know about Pat Ryan.  Is Pat gambling that Ucore pays off big time or is he betting on a sure thing because the offtake agreements are already in the bag?  We know that he bought 120K units of the last PP.  That would be on top of the stock opions he already has.  We know that he changed course in Alaska.  It was to be a small building and a small plant that did just the four REEs that paid the most money.  Then the mysterious independent testing that we never found out who was that was for.  Then everything changed.  We were not doing Alaska but LA and not fours REEs that paid the most but all of the REEs plus Scanium in a 51 stage RSX plant plus a regular SX for side by side comparison to RSX.  So what changed that made Pat take the company to do five times what was planned at the begining.  The only thing that I can thing of was that the testing was for the DOD.  The only reason to change was money.  So what is the deal with DOD?
So what does that tell us about Pat Ryan the man.  A bit of a chance taker.  He saw a better deal and when for it.  He had a good deal in Alaska.  A way to start small and grow.  So the deal to do the change had to be very good and reasonble sure that that Ucore could pull it off.  So a long term planner?  It would seem so.  Not worried to much about stock price or shareholder pressure, so sure the deal is solid.  Takes the time to do the science right first.  So again long term planner.  So does that mean that he is a long term planner in his personal life?  I would say that the odds would go that way.  So the offtakes are more than likely in the bag and DOD funding is coming.

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