Comment by Dragonsmyth7on Nov 27, 2024 10:29pm

Post# 36334949
RE:RE:So, people, A game of what if???
RE:RE:So, people, A game of what if???Dear Pip,
If you are going to bury your head in that account book you need some new figures. You are not seeing what is right in front of you. I am starting to worry about you. New figures, Take the price of Dy and Eb per kilogram average them together times 1000 times 900 equals a rough guess of the heavy REEs output of stage 1 of the LA commerial plant. Now times three for full production. Remember the video last spring that Pat talked about the seven machines per stage and that rough production would be 900 tons of heavies and 1600 tons of lights per stage. DOD wants 4 heavies and one light that they use for AI computers. Rest can go to the OEMs. Anyway you look at it is a lot of money just for stage 1, let alone for 3 stages.
Pip, China is a choke point that uses that fact in business and international trade. Ucore has stated that is what the company wants to become. They want to bust China choke hold and become the the choke point. Now I remind you how many billion of dollars is that worth. Looking at those numbers and Rapid's numbers start to make sense.