RE:Hey Pat Personally, I don't want Louisiana plant news-- or any Ucore or Rapidsx news, for that matter--until we are safely in a MAGA administration with MAGAnomics and MAGA trade, tax, and regulation policies in place. Then, when we are safely in the Maga-verse, Pat and his OEM and offtake partners should be free to let any and all news rip!
Probably, we should be at a point of criticaly needed MAGA by February or March of 2025. That's my guess, anyway.
P.S. Speaking of Louisiana, a week ago they held the New Orleans Investment Conference ( Here is a question for my gifted students: Is it possible that someone who was attending that conference, followed it by visiting Alexandria to look at the SMC facility, kick the tires, and size up what, if any, progress is being made?
P.S.S. Half @ 100, then half @ 399.