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Ucore Rare Metals Inc. V.UCU

Alternate Symbol(s):  UURAF

Ucore is focused on rare and critical-metal resources, extraction, beneficiation, and separation technologies with the potential for production, growth, and scalability. Ucore's vision and plan is to become a leading advanced technology company, providing best-in-class metal separation products and services to the mining and mineral extraction industry.

TSXV:UCU - Post by User

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  • Dragonsmyth7X
Post by Dragonsmyth7on Nov 30, 2024 12:56am
Post# 36338695

Dysprosium Ban and Stock Prices

Dysprosium Ban and Stock PricesDear Rapid,
In answer to your question on how high I think Ucore's stock price will go.  I am afraid that I must side with Pip.  Yes, it is painful and I am sure that Pip will get a good laugh out of this post.  Will Biden add those 200 Chinese conpanies to the export ban.  I would say that there are good odds that he will.  Will China ban Dysprosium to get those companies off the export ban.  Oh yes.  Worked with Japan back in 2010.  See no reason that China would not do it.  So what does that mean for Ucore?  Will there be panic on Wall Street?  Yes.  Will Ucore's stock get pushed up?  Might even get up to three dollars but will not hold.  MP and Lynas will get most of the push because they are the ones the market knows.  That is, until it becomes widely know that those mines have very Dy in the ore body.   So what good does a ban in China help Ucore.  It will push the DOD and the OEMs off the fence and get funding for the commerial plant.  More than likely full funding.  But full funding only solves half of the problem.  Funding give us a plant that can separate Dy, but where is the Dy rich ore or concertrate coming from, Rapid?
Hey, you guys every hear the story about the germens invading Norway in WW2?  A germen pocket battleship was leading a convoy of troop ships up the fjord to the capital of Norway.  The germen guns had taken out the shore batteries on a hundred year old fort.  About five minutes later the germen battleship had two huge holes in her side and was on fire.  They beached her and she block the channel.  Parts of her are still there.  The fort's last shot gave the norway government three days to get the gold and get to England.  Those that don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.  China should take a good look at history   
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