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Ucore Rare Metals Inc. V.UCU

Alternate Symbol(s):  UURAF

Ucore is focused on rare and critical-metal resources, extraction, beneficiation, and separation technologies with the potential for production, growth, and scalability. Ucore's vision and plan is to become a leading advanced technology company, providing best-in-class metal separation products and services to the mining and mineral extraction industry.

TSXV:UCU - Post by User

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  • VeritasBobX
Comment by VeritasBobon Dec 01, 2024 7:02pm
Post# 36339928

RE:RE:RE:Dear Bob, Found it!

RE:RE:RE:Dear Bob, Found it!MP prpduces SEG+ concentrate, which contains Sm, Eu, Gd, and some Tb and Dy. (all of which separated from everything else). Predecssor Molycorp also did.Currently being stockpiled. Don't think MP has started  building heavy sepration plant yet. When they do, will use SEG+ cnncentrate, possibly supplemented with other feedstocks.

That doesn't mean Ucore is ahead of MP in separating Dy, because we have no evidence of any Ucore Dy separation capability, at least implementable at commercial scale. Lynas is ahead of both of them, and expects commercial prodiuction of separated Tb and Dy in first half 2025 using feedstock from its Mt. Weld, which does contain some Tb and Dy (I think at higher percentage than Mountain Pass).

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