Comment by 42Brianosoon Dec 20, 2024 7:34am

Post# 36371743
RE:RE:RE:RE:"No one has ever produced Dysprosium..
RE:RE:RE:RE:"No one has ever produced Dysprosium..Bob, when Lifton says Rapid is cheaper than current technologiy because it is faster, do you think, Lifton knows what he is talking about? Would he say that if Ucore needs dozens of cycles to get to salable product???
To my understanding Ucore simply recycle the solutions that are product of separation in RapidSX in order to generate "new" feed stock for more runtime hours. Separated products are reblended, might be additionally "polluted" and thus can serve as feed stock again. Otherwise they would have to buy tons of new concentrate all the time, convert into chloride, separate and dump...