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Ucore Rare Metals Inc. V.UCU

Alternate Symbol(s):  UURAF

Ucore is focused on rare and critical-metal resources, extraction, beneficiation, and separation technologies with the potential for production, growth, and scalability. Ucore's vision and plan is to become a leading advanced technology company, providing best-in-class metal separation products and services to the mining and mineral extraction industry.

TSXV:UCU - Post by User

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  • 42BrianosoX
Comment by 42Brianosoon Dec 20, 2024 1:28pm
Post# 36372540

RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:"No one has ever produced Dysprosium..

RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:"No one has ever produced Dysprosium..Ucore need constant RE-input to run their machine THOUSANDS of hours, day by day, week by week
producing bigger quantities of REO is not really an issue at current stage
recycling product and make it new starting material again is the only thing that makes sense.
re-refining till infinty is useless for simulating an industrial process. damping is mad and costs. buying fresh concentrate costs

Schrider said, that they can make REO samples in kg amounts in their batch area.
they have stock of separated RE chlorides from Rapid, they get requests and specifications from customers. they make the sample. that's it. what else for would they have a batch area?
only downer: customers prefer to work under non disclosure

not that much light shining out of the Ucore black box...
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