Post by barringtondolbyon Dec 11, 2024 3:34pm

Post# 36357374
Gold Price
Gold PriceThere seems to be a strong consensus for gold to be pretty solid at $2500 and better.for the seeable future. As has been mentioned earlier on this Board, Viva's last PEA used a gold price of $1400 which generates a 22% return after tax. The AISC for this was $1075. So $2500 gold, even with a significant increase in the AISC, should make this stock appealing, especially since that PEA was done the company has had, (as stated by them) some amazing drill results.
We have been told by the CEO to expect a new PEA this month, also with new drill results expected anytime now, you would have thought, based on all these positives, the SP would reflect this and be well above where it currently is.
I am a little worried that nothing is happening to this stock at this time.